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The Panda Made Me Do It

When my wife and I went on our honeymoon to New Zealand last month, one of the things we wanted to see were dolphins. One of my wife’s life-long wishes is to swim with dolphins.

In between all the rugby and sight-seeing, we managed to do two boat trips that had a chance of spotting dolphins. Alas, the playful sea-mammals decided to avoid us and were nowhere to be found.

Today, inspired by a group of fellow internet marketers, I signed up to the WWF The Panda Made Me Do It campaign. Aside from the wonderful irony of the name – which only SEOs could truly appreciate – it’s a great cause and, most of all, it allowed me to ‘adopt a dolphin’ as a gift to my wife. It’s not the same as seeing them in the wild, but I think she’ll appreciate the gesture.

I would like to urge you to sign up for the campaign as well. Our environment and wildlife are incredibly precious, and a small (monthly) donation will go a long way to preserve it, both for ourselves in the present and for future generations.

The Panda Made Me Do It - WWF UK
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