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Full Steam Ahead Until 2016

To say I’m  busy man would be a bit of an understatement. I’ve signed up a few more new clients recently which keep me very busy indeed, and on top of that I’ll be attending and speaking at a host of events the next few months.

First there’s the big one: Pubcon in Las Vegas from October 5th to 8th. I was honoured to be accepted as a speaker and will be part of two sessions: a technical SEO session with Dave Rohrer and Michael Gray, and a live site review session with Derek Wheeler, Russ Jones, Kevin Lee, and Greg Boser.

I’ve always wanted to go to Pubcon, and to go as a speaker is, well, pretty awesome for me. The wife and I are taking the opportunity to do a wee bit of sightseeing as well, but I can’t hang around too long as on October 15th I’ll be speaking at the Digital DNA conference in Belfast.

There I’ll be part of a workshop together with Mark Haslam from Loudmouth Media. Mark will espouse the virtues of PPC advertising, while I will be waving the banner for SEO.

Once the dust has settled from that one, I’m heading to Dublin to attend the next Learn Inbound event on October 21st, which will feature a truly awesome lineup including Rand Fishkin, Wil Reynolds, Gianluca Fiorelli, and my good friend Bas van den Beld. I’m positively giddy about that one – such a superb lineup, right here on the Emerald Isle!

Recovering from the inevitable hangover will take a wee while, so I’m happy that my next event isn’t until November 12th, when I’ll be delivering a SEO workshop for the European Cancer Leagues and hopefully contribute a bit to making cancer charities more successful online.

The following week I’m heading to Milan, which will be my first trip to Italy. Alas, the tourist sightseeing will have to wait as I’m there to present at Search Marketing Connect 2015, delivering a workshop on technical SEO.

Joining me there are some of Europe’s top SEO speakers, including Jan-Willem Bobbink, Alex Moss, Aleyda Solis, and Gianluca Fiorelli, to name but a few.

Closing the month will be TEDx Omagh back in Northern Ireland, which boasts a pretty interesting lineup including one of the SEO industry’s more notorious troublemakers, Josh Bachynski. That ought to be a fun event to attend.

In between all of that I’ll be working on all my client projects – it is easy to forget that’s what it’s all about; delivering value for clients through effective SEO. The events are great, but the client work is what pays the bills so that must always come first.

I think I’ve earned a wee bit of rest and holiday time in December, so no more events until 2016. For now, at least. Who knows what’s around the corner?

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